Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Friends Self-Built Home

When we finished with emptying the house in San Antonio, we left for our trip back to NC. We had been encouraged to stop by a couple's house that had arrived during the house emptying and taken a variety of items. Their house, we were told, was very unusual and almost totally built by D. So we stopped by and spent the night there. It was as unusual:

It was a beautiful visit!


Oh ... its been much longer then i like since i've posted here. One of the points of this blog is to use it to push my efforts/creativity in the photographic arena. To do that it is essential i post with regularity ... now!

Photographed last week, i believe this is a May Fly although after looking at the images on line i'm not so sure. If you know what this insect is, please let me know:

Mayfly Skeleton

As far as i could tell, it had just emerged from its exoskeleton which was only a few inches away. When i first took a photo its wings were tight against its body and as i continued to shoot, they slowly opened and the Mayfly began to move around.

This was one of the first images and it wasn't moving at this time. The top images shows it has already begun to walk around and its wings were opening upwards.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Japanese Chestnut

These are two photos of the Japanese Chestnut in our backyard now in full bloom.

The top image is from the upstairs window and the bottom image is from the back door. I like the clouds in the lower photograph but prefer the tree in the top photograph.

Yesterday's full moon (June '17) is the Strawberry Moon as its said this is the best time to pick strawberries. Here are two different photographs, one with the moon slightly obscuring the top portion of moon and the other also has some clouds in front of the moon which are the dark coloration on the bottom left and center.

Personally, i'm not able to tell the different between the many full moons i have photographed over the years. The full moon eclipse that occurred some years ago over the Pacific Ocean in the middle of the night has some color in the moon as it entered and left the earth's shadow ... otherwise, they all look pretty much the same to me. [and, of course, the moon doesn't really change much].

  A week ago we drove to Bryson City where the Great Smoky Mountain Rail Road is located.  I heard about this mountain train ride some years...