Perhaps i've mentioned that to get details at such a close distance requires 'stack focusing' which i now hearing is beginning to be built into cameras. The usually way is to take a series of shots, each one in a slight different plane of focus which, when combined/stacked, will yield a depth of field (DOF) that is much greater than a single image can produce. Perhaps an example will help those who don't work with macro photography:
The top image is the first of 21 shots and the bottom image is the final image. You can see that the top image has some sharpness on the closes tips of the of the thistle and the bottom image has sharpness on the furtherest leaves and there are 19 incremental images in between these two that are put on top of each other (hence, stacking) and then the software melds them together creating a single image. And if all goes well, it is sharp - like this:
And there you have it: a mini-lesson in focus-stacking.