I spent about six hours with Art Wolf, http://artwolfe.com/blog/, on Creative Live website yesterday. If you are not familiar with Creative Live, it is an amazing teaching site and i highly recommend it. I just clicked on the site, https://www.creativelive.com/courses/photography-as-art-art-wolfe?autoplay=true&via=student-snapshot_2 and discovered that they are playing Art's class today - so if you are interested in learning about his photography and learn something of his skills, go over there now.
So, spending a day with Art, his works and teachings is amazing and i'm hoping to apply what i learned to more of my images.
And, the day before that we visited Biltmore Estates to which some friends had given us tickets. Visiting there is expensive and i'm thankful for our friends generosity as i doubt we'd pay so much to visit. The grounds, gardens, lakes, etc., all of which have walking/biking paths, are beautiful and we very much enjoyed walking among the trees and lakes.
In a lot of rooms they had costumes set-up from a film and the film's identity on a large board as you see above. After seeing half a dozen of these set ups and not understanding what they had to do with the Biltmore House, i finally asked a guide what was the connection. And she said something like this:
"All these costumes are from movies and those movies came from books. Those books are in the library here in the house. That is the connection"
While i found that a most strange reason to create scenes of clothing from films, clearly most of the views were enjoying the clothes.
It was a most interesting afternoon - glad i went and doubt i'll ever go again. This is the off-season for tourist and still there were hundreds of people there ... must be a bit overwhelming during the summer.