Cold, it was just below freezing this morning and the birdbath froze.
A very fluffed-up Copy bird maybe wondering how to get access to the water it knows is there.
And in the tree beside it are a couple of House Finches having just been chased away from the bird bath:
Because the Copy bird is fluffed up it may appear to be somewhat the size of the Finches; in reality it is at least half again as large as the finch.
Just finished, well almost, moving all the photo files from my old system of years, months, etc., to a new drive into categories, etc. My idea is this will help me to locate photos i took years ago. Most often i remember the photograph but not the year it was shot. With categories (which are then files by date) i'm hoping they'll be easier to locate. So i still have to organize the 1200 folders and that has the great advantage that i will become familiar with photos i've long forgotten i'd taken.
Here's one:
Green Gulch Farm, from entrance.
This was taken in spring 2008 with a small camera i no long have. And it came out rather well. It is a panoramic composed of 7 images. It is sharp enough that i could enlarge the woodshed that in against the hill"